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Issue 11 (August 2024)
The Templarkey Magazine


Articles and segments include the following:

  • The Virgin In Majesty: Queen of Heaven and Head Of The Church
  • The Black Madonna of Marsat (Notre-Dame de L’assomption)
  • The neo-Platonic Cathedral: The School of Chartres
  • The Black and White Virgin/Madonna Statues and the ‘Virgins In Majesty’
  • Sainte-Foy, the first Female statue in Majesty?
  • The First model of all the Black Madonnas!
  • The Virgins in Majesty of Orcival, Saint-Flour, Orcival, Chartres and Maymac, among many others.
  • Theotokos, the Virgin Mary as the Mother of God
  • The Incorporation of CelticPaganism into Christianity: The Transformation of the Matrona and the Virgin Mary.
  • The Theological Virtue of Faith: The Virgin Mary and Sainte-Foy of Conques.
  • Our Lady of Le Puy and King Louis IX: The Legend of Saint Louis and the Virgin in Majesty Statue
  • Le Puy, the Place Where the Blackening of the Virgin Originated and Blackened Virgins: An Instrument of Conversion
  • Platonic Overview and Concerning the Timaeus
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